I hurt my toe AGAIN! We got home from McCall last night and I opened the freezer and a frozen thing of meat fell out of our freezer right on my big toe. I cried a little, not as much as the first time though, but I still cried a little. Here's a picture, it looks a lot worse than my baby toe.
I also took a couple pictures from our McCall trip, mainly of Maddox because he's SO stinkin' cute and I'm so happy that I got to see him and Emily every day that they were here this time! It was awesome! And there's also one of Tyler with Maddox, after Tyler did Maddox's hair :-)

AWH! I'm sorry about your toe! You should start wearing work boots or something! But dang...you have cute toes! I'm jealous...my toes are very wonky.
AND...I'm jealous that you guys got to see so much of the cutest nephew on the planet!!
Haha I know. I need to get those steal toe work boots! :-)
And ya, this past week was wonderful with being able to see Emily and Maddox every day! I really got to know Emily more and it was great!
I'm glad we were able to see you every day, it was great! Lame about the toe!
His hair looks awesome... I wish I could get my hair styled by whoever did that!;-)
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